Building materials supplier for houses that last a lifetime. Our only goal is to see our customers satisfied. And the result is quality building materials. Therefore we also wish to impart the love of bricks to our customers. And love comes naturally with good quality bricks.
Not only do we supply bricks. But we also supply and distribute other building materials. Namely: bagged cement, sand, and stone. Apart from the building material itself, we also run a fleet of 45 heavy-duty vehicles. Our fleet is highly specialized. And fully mechanized. Therefore not only are you guaranteed a top-quality brick. But you are also assured reliable and timeous deliveries with a smile. Because we have the quality you deserve and the means of getting it there irrespective of the site restrictions.
We have a strategic partnership with the biggest brick manufacturer in South Africa. SA BLOCK and we are proud and delighted to admit that we are their biggest off-take of bricks. We sell approximately 10 million bricks per month. These bricks reach all of Gauteng. And neighboring provinces. Therefore we do not discriminate. And we supply our quality bricks from low-cost housing to exclusive developments. Because we have the quality you deserve and the means of getting it there irrespective of the site restrictions.
Our building materials supplier is a group of companies specialising in the following:

Specialized Transport of Bulk Building Materials. Sand/ Stone/ Bricks/ Cement/ Concrete Products.

Long Distance. As well as Local Freight.

Supply of Building Materials in Bulk. At below Manufacturer’s prices due to our vast volumes and long-standing relationships with manufacturers.

We partner with construction companies for the development of Low-Cost Housing. As well as Exclusive Residential Estates.